Thursday, August 13, 2009
Band Practise resumes tomorrow at 2.30pm. Everyone is to be seated by 2.30pm.
No excuses for not coming.
Late coming and no valid reason for not attending band is subjected to

Please make your orders from Michelle.

4:19 PM;

Sunday, August 09, 2009
Hello Skyband!

As you have already noticed, the Common Tests are here!

And as a third party with absolute interest in this matter, I ought to say that you guys should seriously start studying for the common tests.

Yes I know, I know. You guys must be thinking "Common test only, no biggie. Anyhow do also can."

For those who wants your scholarship money. (i.e: Being in the top 20 in level) or those who just wants to improve, please please please study for the common tests, doing badly in your common tests is just gonna negatively affect your results.

I'm a perfect example. My results got pulled down MANY times thanks to the common tests. I presume no one wants that to happen right? So you guys should start studying! Please ask around for stuff that you have absolutely no idea in, no harm asking right? (besides, as a performer, you ought to have thick skin)

We have to show the world that we skyband members are not known only for musicality, we have to show the world that we are smart too, that we can study and not just a pretty face.

Tada. Please study, now! What are you doing here?
Good luck, and all the best!

Denise-the-very-irritating-and-naggy-concert-mistress signing out!
(i'm joking, i just want to go back to my blog)

11:26 PM;